Galerie Delalande Paris

"The Jockey" at rest smoking a pipe.

This cheroot represents a jockey smoking a pipe, with his dog-headed whip in his other hand.

In its case signed with two addresses:

- « Eug Dillen Fcant Bréveté – BRUXELLES 3, rue de l’Etuve 3 et 14 rue Ch. Buls 14 »

- and awards « Bruxelles 1905 – Calais 1896 – 2ème Grand Prix – Diplôme d’honneur et Médaille d’or ».

Dimensions: 10,4 cm high - 19 cm long.

Nota : Dillen was presumably from a family of craftsmen of the famous Vienna School, which emigrated later to Belgium.

Bruxelles c. 1900.

Museum piece in meerschaum, amber and jet.

Reference : D/ T 895

Price on request.


Also discover many more meerschaum pipes in the dedicated section of our French website : « Pipes en écume de mer » and "Fume-cigares en écume de mer".